HomeJobsCareerScape – discussing emerging and in-demand careers in Malta

CareerScape – discussing emerging and in-demand careers in Malta


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CareerScape is another National Skills Council initiative. It will serve as a platform, bringing together stakeholders to instigate sector-specific discussions on emerging and in-demand careers in their respective sector.

Malta’s skill imbalances are a result of its robust economic growth. Labour shortages persist, leading to a tight labour market with record low unemployment rates. This reality is leading to more investment in skill development, upskilling and reskilling. Since this is not purely a local phenomenon, it was also the mantra of the European Year of Skills, due to elapse on May 8, 2024. To mark this event, the National Skills Council is organising CareerScape, inviting key stakeholders to think ahead, to foresee which career prospects will be more in-demand in the future, aiming to increase our level of preparedness and anticipate future shortages.

In a rapidly changing labour market, the nature of work is evolving at an unprecedented pace. Technological advancements, global events such as climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic, geo-political conflicts, and shifting socio-economic landscapes are reshaping industries and creating new career opportunities. Key trends arising due to this fast rate of change include: the integration of artificial intelligence, automation, more awareness on sustainability, remote work, the growth of the gig economy, and a strong emphasis on transversal skills, amongst others. All of these trends have an impact on the future of work.

Transformation is anticipated across industries. Are we ready to capitalise on the host of opportunities, this transformation will bring with it? With human capital being Malta’s most valuable asset, the National Skills Council has invited key stakeholders from 13 industries to engage in sector-specific discussions on the future career prospects in their respective sector, the skills anticipated to be in demand, the education and training being offered, and the career guidance services available.

In collaboration with the Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies, those invited shall be exposed to key insights into the trends and scenarios shaping the future of work, during a keynote speech delivered by Carsten Beck, who has a background in political economy and vast experience in future studies. A local dimension will be added thanks to a panel discussion with local experts. Parallel round-table discussions will follow. Representatives from each of the following industries, whether practitioners, academics, policy-makers or interest groups will have their say on what the future skills in their sector will look like. The industries identified are health, social care, retail, manufacturing, transport, education, arts, environment, agriculture and fisheries, built environment, digital, financial and hospitality. One set of guiding questions has been prepared – the same questions are put on each table, to steer the discussion towards emerging careers, key skills, continuous learning, and collaboration in the respective industry.

The outcome of CareerScape will lead to a national communications campaign on emerging careers across industries, highlighting the parity of esteem between vocational and academic education. Prospective careers and useful skillsets will be humanised and used as part of a campaign to feature on different media, including print, broadcast, and social media channels. The outcome of the discussions at CareerScape will also feed into useful resources to career guidance professionals who assist learners, younger and older workers in developing their career paths.

The National Skills Council, whose mandate is to advance skill development and anticipate future skills, is working tirelessly to push forward an evidence-based skills agenda. Its primary function – bridging the proverbial gap between industry and education – is always foremost in our efforts. Hence stakeholder engagement is central to all initiatives pursued by the Council.

Skills are essential for Malta’s economic and social ambitions. To thrive in this dynamic landscape, learners, younger and older workers must be proactive in understanding and adapting to the labour market trends while acquiring the necessary skills and mindsets. Through CareerScape and the associated communications campaign, the National Skills Council is providing a springboard, giving the impetus necessary to strengthen our skillsets and seize new opportunities as they arise.

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